United ISD’s Migrant Education Program promotes the transition to post-secondary education through the promotion of student leadership activities, the development of college entrance examination programs (SAT, ACT, PSAT, ETC), End of Course performance improvement strategies, correspondence courses through the UT Austin Distance Learning Center, admissions counseling with the CAMP programs in the United States. Campus coordination of activities with colleges are afforded to our migrant students in order to ensure that they are able to access any and all post-secondary opportunities. The foundation counselors work with the Career and Technology Department to provide information to 8th grade migrants in career pathways, distinguished graduation plans, Tech prep and Texas Scholars programs. All migrant students must have a graduation plan on file and complete by the ninth grades in order to plan their academic pathway.
Because many migrant students at United ISD enter late and leave early, migrant campus staff endeavors to provide opportunities for these students to earn credit for the semester or grading period missed because of their mobility rate. Every attempt is made so that migrant students entering late are not penalized for work they have missed. The MEP provides support services that will enable students to recuperate those assignments so that they receive appropriate course placement and catch-up opportunities. Students are provided school supplies, reference books, use of a laptop, testing fees where necessary and anything else that will facilitate a migrant child’s success rate. Additionally, United ISD’s MEP has strong collaboration with UT Pan Am (soon to be UT RGV) College Assistance for Migrants Program/CAMP which provides college scholarships, tutorials and other support services for the first year of college. Students also tour local colleges like South Texas College and Texas State Technical College for other career and training programs that will lead to meaningful employment. Financial aid guidance is also available to every student.