Parental involvement is an integral part of all Title I programs, including the MEP. Research shows that parents play a significant role in the academic achievement of their children. Therefore, it is important for parents and schools to develop partnerships and build ongoing dialogues to improve student achievement. Title I supports parental involvement by enlisting individual parents to help their children do well in school. In order to receive MEP funds, states and the LEAs must implement programs, activities and procedures that effectively involve migrant parents.
As the first teachers of their children, parents know the needs of their children best and can provide insight into their children’s strengths and weaknesses. As such, migrant parents can play a pivotal role in planning the educational programs and projects in which their children participate. Involving migrant parents in planning the MEP also builds their capacity to assist in their children’s learning at home. In addition, parental involvement in the planning of the program enables parents to understand the program and have informed conversations with MEP and school staff regarding their children’s education. Through their participation in the planning process, migrant parents are also more likely to become advocates and supporters of the program because they have a personal stake in its success.
The UISD Migrant Education Program maintains an active Migrant Parent Advisory Council (PAC) which advises the MEP on concerns of migrant parents that relate to the planning and operation of activities and projects in which their children participate. The PAC is consulted regarding the local needs assessment of the needs of the migrant children and the design of the service delivery plan to meet those needs. The focus of the PAC is always to be knowledgeable of the instructional and support services being provided to their migrant children and their families throughout the regular school year. Additionally, parents are surveyed on a regular basis in order to provide information and services that are more useful to them and their families during regularly schedule Migrant Parent Meetings at the Crockett Annex Cafeteria.